Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Giving Fund

The purpose of the Do More Challenge is very simple - find small, simple ways to make a difference in the world around you.  As my husband and I raise our three children ages 8-10, we found that it is very hard to teach selflessness when you aren't living it in your own life.  Of course they act like greedy little selfish creatures when we show them how.  Instead of telling them what kind of adults we wanted them to grow up to be, we decided to try to become those adults ourselves.

The first family challenge we made with our kids was not to buy them anything they wanted, only what they needed.  They will get a couple things they want for their birthday, but anything else they want throughout the year they will have to earn by doing select jobs around the house, in addition to the chores they do simply because they live here.  Of the money they earn, some goes to savings, some goes to tithe, some goes to a separate giving fund (more about this in a minute) and the rest goes to something they want that they are saving for.  This teaches them the value of money and helps them learn the difference between a want and a need.  My 8 year old son found the last part of that particularly challenging this week as we went to the craft store for a Cub Scout project and he found item after item he "needed".  Sticking to my guns, we left the store with only the items we came for (but trust me, I was stretched with my need vs. want list at my favorite craft store, too!).

The giving fund is the most exciting part of this new need vs. want earning plan for the kids.  This past Christmas we donated gifts for families supported by our local domestic violence shelter.  A friend and I went shopping and filled up the back of my minivan with amazing gifts for both mothers and children who left domestic violence situations.  As I dropped the gifts off at the shelter I was so full of happiness and excitement thinking of those who would be receiving these gifts.  I came home and told my children about the joy I felt.  I realized this wasn't something you can just tell others about.  The giving fund they are raising money for will grow throughout the year.  Next Christmas I will take my kids on their own shopping spree where they can pick out the gifts for children at the domestic violence shelter (and other organizations we decide to add to the list throughout the year).  While I'm certain there will be mixed emotions as they part with the gifts they purchase with their own money, I can't wait to see the joy in their faces as they see how they made a difference in the life of someone else.  They are already planning a lemonade sale to raise more money for their giving fund. 

One final comment... this is not a brag board or a "look at the awesome things we are doing" site.  This is a place where I hope you will freely share your giving ideas and find encouragement in others who share your convictions to do more.

Acts 20:35 (NIV)  "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.” 


1 comment:

  1. So excited to see this!! I have been talking to my daughter about this briefly over the last several weeks so after reading this post I gave the conversation another go. She's having a little trouble understanding it all (she's only 4) but I certainly believe that persistence and example will get her going in the right direction. To make it easier for her, I am going to set up some "saving" jars for her to be able to see her success and savings. Here's to "Doing More" for others in our future!!
